Mastering Change like a R.O.C.K.S.T.A.R

  • By: admin
  • March 28, 2016

eScribe knows that change is difficult – that’s why we are committed to helping companies that are contemplating change, in the mire of change or driving change in the way they manage meetings. We’ve seen companies drop anchor in “the way we’ve always done things”, standing steadfast with outdated processes and procedures. It takes courage to initiate change, but inevitably the positive effects overshadow the loss of the familiar. In this blog, we’ll take a look at the critical success factors that make up R.O.C.K. S.T.A.R. But first, let’s set the context, guided by some well-known rock songs.

David Bowie - Changes CD CoverCh-ch-ch-ch-Changes (Turn and Face the Strange) Bowie, 1972

Automated meetings translate into vast savings of money, time and paper – that is an undisputed fact. Still, the mindset and the cultural shift required for successful implementation of change can be daunting. Despite frustrating inefficiencies, rescheduling hassles, collating agendas and expensive admin costs, many organizations still resist the benefits of automated meetings. That’s why we begin every implementation with a broad and fruitful discussion on change management. Every organization is the same but different when it comes to resistance and adoption of change. Ultimately, though, the organizations all must acknowledge that the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change, and that prompts the necessary willingness.

Rolling Stones - CD CoverYou Can’t Always Get What You Want – Stones, 1969

We see organizations struggle with the meeting-centric aspect of automated meetings as compared to the traditional way of doing things. There is a comfortable familiarity in producing and distributing agendas, reports and minutes, and changes to these procedures, even if slight, can be challenging. Interestingly, some of the individuals who are most resistant eventually become the best advocates. But not until they accept that change means change – that the way of running a meeting may be different and foreign initially, but that once invested in the process, it is the best go-forward plan…and they never look back. (Except to ask why they didn’t do this sooner.)

Beatles - Come Together CD CoverCome Together – Beatles, 1969

As consultants to government, business and healthcare sectors, we have learned a few critical make-or-break factors to success over the years; those things that help, those that hinder, the bricks and speed bumps on the path to success.

Following these critical success factors guarantees a smooth transition to automated meeting management. Here they are (think ROCK STAR):

Rolling Stones - Satisfaction CD CoverSatisfaction – Stones, 1965 Keith Richards wrote a best-selling book called “Life”. He knows a thing or two about ‘satisfaction’, and in the book he talks about his career, writing music, the industry and the many changes he’s seen over the decades. Of music he says, “Good music comes out of people playing together, knowing what they want to do and going for it. You have to sweat over it and bug it to death.” Organizations, businesses and municipal councils are no different – everyone is trying to be productive, get things done, move forward… in other words, bug it to death. Of moving towards change and the resistance to change, Keith says, “If I’ve come to any conclusion after many, many years of not knowing what the hell I’m doing, it’s to just do it.” Luckily for organizations in all sectors, managing change through automated meetings is something eScribe does very, very well – they produce Rock Stars.

See how City of Burlington drove their changes to achieve a more efficient and transparent government.