– Doesn’t everybody like something that makes their workflow easier? Imagine a seamless process, what would normally take upto 3 months with any other provider to implement, took us under a month. The eScribe team was amazing,they were very supportive. They walked us through every step making sure that they were there to support us. Using eScribe has saved us so much time on our agenda prep. It used to take us almost two days to do a full agenda now we’re down to approximately an hour.
– Being able to manage workflows for reports and ensuring the integrity of our approval processes have been paramount. eScribe has saved us so much time that we’ve been able to focus on other aspects of the clerk’s office and take on other projects. We were struggling with getting the best customer service possible with our previous providers,we weren’t able to customize templates for agendas and reports which was a struggle, with eScribe we had what we needed with many of the services and modules like electronic voting and workflow management that would have been a costly addition to provide by other providers.
- You know it’s almost like driving an old car because it works and you don’t think of upgrading or doing something better because what you have is safe,so you know with the experience and results of coming to eScribe was like hopping into a brand new decked out sports car.