Q&A: How Much Does a City Treasurer Make?

  • By: Tara Astbury
  • August 16, 2023

In every city’s governing structure, the city treasurer plays a pivotal role as the guardian of its finances. The treasurer’s expertise is indispensable, as they meticulously manage funds, investments, and budgets to ensure the city’s financial stability and growth. 

Becoming a city treasurer opens opportunities for those passionate about finance, keen on public service, and skilled in strategic planning. A treasurer plays a vital role in navigating the complexities of local government, providing financial insights, and presenting plans to steer the city’s economic growth.

Here is a look at how much city treasurers make and how meeting management software can help board members hold effective city council meetings.

What is a City Treasurer?

A city treasurer is a crucial public official responsible for managing the financial affairs of a city or municipality. Their primary role involves overseeing public funds’ collection, investment, disbursement, and accounting. City treasurers act as custodians of the city’s financial resources and ensure that taxpayer money is used efficiently and transparently to benefit the community.

By effectively managing funds and investments, the city treasurer can help promote economic growth, infrastructure development, and social welfare programs. A city treasurer’s decisions directly impact the city’s ability to deliver essential services like education, healthcare, public safety, and infrastructure maintenance. The office of the city treasurer maintains fiscal discipline, bolstering investor confidence, attracting businesses, and fostering a thriving local economy.

A knowledgeable city treasurer proves crucial, as mismanagement of funds can lead to budget deficits, debt accumulation, and reduced credit ratings, resulting in higher borrowing costs for the city. This, in turn, can lead to reduced funding for critical public services, delays in infrastructure projects, and even potential layoffs in the public sector.

City Treasurer Compensation

According to Glassdoor, the average salary of a city treasurer is $69,448 annually in the United States. However, these figures can change over time due to economic trends, government budgetary changes, and market conditions. Here are three main factors that influence a city treasurer’s compensation.


A bachelor’s degree in finance, accounting, economics, or a related field is typically the minimum requirement for the city treasurer position. However, many city treasurers hold advanced degrees, such as a Master of Business Administration (MBA) or a Master’s in Public Administration (MPA), which can lead to higher pay scales.

Advanced degrees equip treasurers with a broader understanding of financial management, public policy, and leadership, making them more effective. Their educational background enables them to analyze complex financial data, develop comprehensive fiscal strategies, and ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

Specialized certifications, such as the Certified Public Finance Officer (CPFO) or the Certified Treasury Professional (CTP), further enhance the treasurer’s qualifications. These certifications demonstrate a commitment to professional development and provide tangible evidence of expertise, leading to increased compensation and career advancement opportunities.


As treasurers gain more years of relevant experience, their value and expertise increase, warranting higher salaries. Treasurers with a proven track record of successfully managing municipal finances, implementing effective investment strategies, and handling complex financial situations are highly sought after. They are resourceful and possess the ability to make informed decisions, manage risk prudently, and navigate financial challenges, contributing to the fiscal stability and growth of the municipality.


The geographic location of the municipality significantly impacts the compensation of city treasurers. Larger cities with higher populations and budgets generally offer more competitive salaries to attract experienced and skilled financial professionals.

Metropolitan areas and regions with a high cost of living typically compensate city treasurers more to reflect the increased expenses associated with living and working in these areas.

Moreover, municipalities in regions with strong economic growth and stable financial conditions are better positioned to allocate more resources to pay their financial officers adequately. On the other hand, smaller towns or rural areas may offer lower salaries due to budget constraints and a smaller pool of financial professionals seeking positions in these regions.

eScribe Powers Effective Cities

Being a city treasurer is a rewarding endeavor that comes with significant responsibilities. As a city treasurer, you will work with the city manager to manage the city’s finances, ensuring fiscal responsibility and contributing to the community’s overall well-being. 

Attending city council meetings will be an integral part of your role, and it is essential to recognize the impact of effective meetings on the council’s success. The council needs access to the right technology and tools to host productive and efficient meetings.

eScribe offers a meeting management software solution designed specifically for city council meetings. We also provide a reasonable and adaptable pricing structure, making our services accessible to municipalities of all sizes. Our platform offers the following features for city council members:

  • Meeting Manager: Simplify meeting organization, scheduling, and tracking to boost productivity and ensure better time management within your team.
  • Meeting Minutes: Effortlessly document key government meeting minutes and outcomes, facilitating better follow-up actions and ensuring everyone stays on the same page.
  • Reporting and Workflows: Generate comprehensive reports and establish streamlined processes to enhance decision-making and task management, optimizing overall team efficiency.
  • Collaboration Tools: Foster a collaborative environment by enabling seamless communication and information sharing among team members, improving project execution, and enhancing teamwork.

Check out the City of Greensboro case study to see how eScribe transforms meeting effectiveness for government agencies. This real-life example demonstrates how our software streamlined meeting management and elevated collaboration within the City of Greensboro, North Carolina.
