What is a Mayor Pro Tempore? (Overview, Roles, and Responsibilities)

  • By: Tara Astbury
  • September 20, 2023

City council meetings are paramount for addressing community matters and enacting vital policies. The decisions can shape the trajectory of entire communities, and at the heart of these vital meetings stands the mayor. 

In the mayor’s absence, the mayor pro tempore maintains order, fosters collaboration, and ensures continuity in city council meetings. A government meeting management solution can help tackle the pressing need for streamlined proceedings and ensure city officials, including the mayor pro tempore, meet the modern demands for efficient decision-making. 

What is a Mayor Pro Tempore?

The Mayor Pro Tempore is a member of the city council or a similar governing body who is selected to serve as a temporary or acting mayor in the absence or incapacity of the elected mayor. The specific responsibilities and selection process for a mayor pro tempore can vary from one jurisdiction to another, as it is often determined by local ordinances or charters.

Why is the Mayor Pro Tempore Important?

The mayor pro tempore holds significant importance in local governments for several reasons:

  • Continuity of leadership: They ensure continuity in city governance, especially when the elected mayor cannot fulfill their duties. This role ensures the mayor pro tempore can make crucial decisions promptly and the city’s operations continue smoothly without disruptions.
  • Emergency preparedness: A designated mayor pro tempore can act as mayor and provide leadership, guidance, and support during critical moments, ensuring the city’s response to emergencies remains effective and well-coordinated.
  • Balancing roles: In some local governments, the mayor may have ceremonial and administrative duties. The mayor pro tempore bridges the ceremonial aspects of the mayor’s role and the administrative functions handled by the city manager.
  • Representation: The mayor pro tempore will represent the city at official events and functions, both locally and regionally. This representation helps maintain the city’s visibility and fosters relationships with neighboring municipalities and government entities.

A city manager and mayor have distinct roles and can’t take over each other’s duties and responsibilities. The city manager’s role is more akin to that of a corporation’s chief executive officer, responsible for leading the efficient functioning of the city’s operations.

What’s at Stake if the Mayor Pro Tempore is Ineffective?

The mayor pro tempore presides over city council meetings in the mayor’s absence. If they are ineffective in managing these meetings, it can lead to disorganized proceedings, lack of structure, and difficulty achieving productive discussions.

In recent times, virtual city council meetings have become more common, providing greater accessibility and flexibility for council members and the public. If the mayor pro tempore poorly manages virtual meetings, technical difficulties, communication issues, and mismanagement of online tools may arise, resulting in unproductive sessions.

Mayor Pro Tempore Roles and Responsibilities

This esteemed position holds a set of crucial responsibilities that extend beyond merely stepping in for the mayor. Here are the duties a mayor pro tempore performs.

1. Presiding Over Meetings

This vital responsibility requires maintaining order and decorum during proceedings, ensuring all council members can voice their opinions and contribute to discussions. 

In addition, the mayor pro tempore must skillfully manage motions for a city council meeting, guiding the council through the formal process of making proposals and taking action on various issues.

Their experience with handling motions is instrumental in streamlining the decision-making process and achieving effective outcomes.

2. Acting as Mayor in the Mayor’s Absence

The primary role of the mayor pro tempore is to step into the mayor’s shoes when the latter cannot fulfill their duties. This temporary delegation of authority allows for the uninterrupted continuation of city operations and ensures essential functions are carried out on time. 

During such periods, the mayor pro tempore exercises limited executive powers and represents the city at official events and functions, upholding its reputation and promoting its interests.

3. Supporting the Mayor

The mayor pro tempore is a reliable ally and supporter of the mayor. When the mayor is present and actively engaged in governance, the mayor pro tempore collaborates with the mayor on various initiatives and city projects. 

4. Community Engagement

An effective mayor pro tempore recognizes the significance of community engagement and acts as a liaison between the city council and its constituents. They actively participate in town hall meetings, community events, and other public forums, and listen to the concerns and aspirations of residents. 

5. Succession Planning

The mayor pro tempore plays a critical role in succession planning for the city’s leadership.

Developing and fostering a pool of capable leaders within the city council ensures a smooth transition of power in the event of a vacancy in the mayor’s position. This proactive approach minimizes disruptions and safeguards the city’s stability.

eScribe Powers Effective Public Meetings

For mayoral effectiveness, leveraging cutting-edge technology can significantly impact decision-making, transparency, and public engagement. eScribe’s meeting platform is designed to revolutionize public meetings and boost collaboration between officials and constituents.

Some of eScribe’s valuable features include:

  • Meeting manager: This user-friendly tool simplifies the entire lifecycle of a city council meeting. From planning and agenda creation to tracking action items and follow-ups, the meeting manager optimizes the process, ensuring meetings run seamlessly.
  • Meeting minutes: Accurate and timely meeting minutes are essential for effective decision-making and transparency. This feature promotes accountability and ensures the public can access accurate records of city council proceedings.
  • Reporting and workflows: eScribe’s robust analytics and reporting tools allow for better tracking of meeting performance, identifying trends, and improving the efficiency of future meetings. 
  • Collaboration tools: Through integrated commenting and discussion features, the mayor pro tempore can facilitate constructive conversations on agenda items, solicit feedback, and encourage meaningful participation from all stakeholders.

See eScribe in action: Check out the City of Greensboro case study for a real-life example of how eScribe improves meeting effectiveness for the City of Greensboro, North Carolina.